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Se il tuo prodotto è stato registrato, possiamo verificare il numero di serie per informazioni sulla manutenzione e sulla garanzia.
Alcune parti e riparazioni possono essere coperte dalla nostra garanzia a vita limitata. Scopri di più qui.
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The front wheel brakes to need to be unlocked (in green mode) for the stroller to fold properly.
The Vista V2 includes the following new features:
The Cruz is the optimal choice for families looking for a single, full-size stroller in a streamlined design. Click here to view from birth accessories for the Cruz.
The Vista is designed to grow with families and can accommodate up to three children. The Vista includes a bassinet offering a lay flat solution that can be used from birth.
Click here to view the stroller comparison chart.
Click here to view the approved Vista configurations and corresponding adapters.
Please see our adapter configurator here.
The Travel Bag Accessory is recommended for air travel. By registering your stroller and Travel Bag, our TravelSafe program covers any damage incurred to your stroller during air travel.
Click here to view the Travel Bag accessory.
Please note, front wheel brakes need to be unlocked (in clear mode) for the stroller to fold properly.
Click here for a how-to video.
Yes, you can fold the Vista with the Toddler Seat attached. The Toddler Seat must be forward-facing. For a more compact fold, recline the Toddler Seat to the 2nd most upright position.
Click here for a how-to video.
Yes, the RumbleSeat (2015-2019) is compatible with the Vista V2. The RumbleSeat V2 is also compatible with the Vista (2015-2019).
Running is not recommended with the Vista or Cruz stroller.
The Ridge stroller is approved for running, learn more.
No, the Vista V2 canopy and basket are not compatible with the older model Vista. Replacement parts are available for purchase. Visit the spare parts page or contact Customer Experience at (844) 823-3132 or [email protected].